Human rights policy
Visco commits to reviewing the relevant requirements of corporate social responsibility standards to high standards and adhering to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. It is dedicated to promoting human rights by ensuring that no harm is done to human rights, promoting freedom of association, eliminating forced labor, abolishing child labor, and eliminating discrimination in employment and occupation. Visco is committed to fostering a human rights-friendly environment and preventing workplace bullying and harassment.
On our official website, a communication and complaint channel has been established to foster a caring and respectful corporate environment. Employees can also propose suggestions through formal labor-management meetings held quarterly. Over the past two years, a total of three discussion proposals have been put forward, and the company has provided solutions and reached resolutions in collaboration with labor representatives. For example, the interval for health check-ups has been reduced from three years to two years, demonstrating a focus on the well-being of colleagues. Additionally, informal feedback is encouraged from various labor representatives to promote positive labor-management relations.
Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
the effective abolition of child labour; and
the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
"Sustainable Development and Risk Management Committee", a cross-functional Committee, is set up to ensure the policy, framework and procedure are well implemented. Visco Vision President serves as the chairman of the committee, vice president acts as the vice chairman of the Committee. Department heads are included as the members of the Committee.
The Committee adopts an objective and systematic approach to set risk management policies. The scope of risk management includes environmental protection, social development and corporate governance.
Committee members conduct risk assessments on corporate sustainability issues in accordance with the major principles in the policies. The Committee set up relevant improvement strategies and plans based on the results of the evaluation, and discuss at Committee regular meeting.
Public Welfare Promotion and Social Care
Gender Equality and Workplace Diversity
The company indeed complies with the Labor Standards Act and relevant regulations to ensure the working rights of employees. Employee selection is based on the principle of open recruitment, and individuals are hired according to specified criteria after passing tests and interviews. The salary and benefits for new hires are determined based on their education, experience, and approved professional tenure, ensuring equal pay for equal work without discrimination based on gender, race, political affiliation, or other identities. External recruitment advertisements also maintain gender neutrality, ensuring that job postings are free from discriminatory language related to gender or sexual orientation.
Salary compensation includes various allowances, performance bonuses based on operational profits, and dividend bonuses. These are determined by supervisors according to colleagues' performance and development potential, aiming to motivate and retain employees.
The company employs staff from more than eight countries worldwide, with a balanced gender ratio to eliminate gender disparities. In order to enhance internal English proficiency, the Taiwan headquarters subsidizes colleagues to establish an English study group. Colleagues improve their language communication skills by participating in this club.